Who We Are

We are a group of creative problem solvers with a taste for well-crafted design. The homes we design are well balanced, focus on bringing in natural light, use warm materials, and are executed with a rarefied attention to detail.

We do not have a signature style. It is not modern, traditional or contemporary. Each project is a unique collaboration with our client, learning how they live and what design style suits their tastes and the spirit of the space, to the technical aspects of how to make the home functional and efficient.

Good design is important to us. It sounds obvious, but too often people think of good design as what they can see- the beauty part of it. To us, good design is a well proportioned space, thorough down to the last detail, and long lasting. This kind of design is always modern, regardless of style. It has a timeless appeal. This is what we have become known for throughout our 33 years.

How We Work

Over 3 decades we have perfected a way of working that provides a unique experience for our clients.

From inception through completion, our projects are designed and produced in integrated 3D software. For our clients this means at every design meeting they are seeing their project in “virtual reality”, incorporating their art and furniture. During meetings we are making design changes in front of them, allowing them to see various options as we work through them together. This provides a more interactive and intimate involvement in the design of their home.

Besides seeing this during the meetings, we give them files to view on their phone, tablet or computer. This allows them to “walk through” their home at their leisure and share with friends and family, while we are still in the process of designing. Not only does this make it much easier for them to make design decisions, it also feeds their excitement of their home, and their comfort with the process and end result. When projects are complete our clients frequently say, “This looks just like the model!”

The benefits to our clients go further, as we also issue these 3D models, with all the construction documents integrated within them, to contractors for bidding and construction. This gives them far more visual information than traditional black and white drawings, resulting in bids that are more accurate and fewer changes during construction.

(All of this is accomplished using Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD software)

What Our Clients Say

“We had no idea going in how much we would learn and how intimate the whole process would become. We so value your aesthetic, attention to detail and your expertise in so many fields. Thank you for designing and creating our first home. We will think of you with every step we take.”

Jennifer Klot

“… I LOVE the work you did for me and I’m grateful for it, too. All who come here love it…”

Louise McCagg

“… Dana and I both want to thank you for the extremely conscientious job you are doing. We’re lucky to have an architect who has ‘pride of place’ built into him…”

Danny Wynn

“…you have been so amazing and helpful and have been so fastidious about all details… have been wise in judgement and graceful with all the pre-existing ‘complications’… Thank you so very much…”


“… On both a personal and professional level it has been a real treat to work with you. You may recall that, from the beginning one of our primary objectives was to establish a life-long relationship with an architect. I feel that this project has resulted in a great relationship with you that we hope lasts for a long time.”

Mark and Catherine Varous

“Joe did a great job for us. His design responded to our desire to mix traditional and modern elements, made great use of space, and maximized light (always a problem in row houses). Joe’s knowledge of construction distinguishes him. He managed the bidding process to get us an excellent contractor at a resonable price, and he supervised construction diligently”

T. Radey Johnson

“A great architect makes all the difference.. and an exceptional architect with an artist’s eye for beauty and detail + a savvy hold on the ins and outs of the NYC building and renovations procedures – brings you a masterpiece! I had the GREAT pleasure of visiting one of Joseph Vance Architects new projects the other night, the transformation of a landmarked 1800’s loft building in downtown NYC, into a stunning and vast single family home. And all I can say is.. Blew me away.”

Camille McKinley, Compass Broker

“You are hands down the most diligent architect we have worked with in years…”

Brian Ninnis, Owners Rep, OwnersCorp, Inc.

“Your commitment to historical restorations is admirable – and I should know – I live in one thanks to you!

Laura T.